What the f’s a sample rate?
You’ve most probably seen the term “sample rate” thrown around with numbers like 44.1 48 and symbols like kHz. If you’re new to recording then these might look like hieroglyphics and even if you’re used to them, do you really know what they mean?
Which DAW should you use?
So you want to get started creating and recording your own music. Fantastic! The more people bringing their music into creation the better, I say. Now you might have heard the term “DAW” being thrown around before and not be quite sure what it means. In this article we are going to look at just exactly what a DAW is and examples of some popular DAWs to get you headed in the right direction.
Recording Drums in Logic Pro
At Online Drum Studio I’m recording my drums for clients each and every week. Here's how I set up in Logic Pro to record my drums!